Jann’s Jottings #3

Jann’s Jottings # 3

“The most practical pages for perusal on the web”

Jotting (defn): short details of significant events, behaviours and conversations about wellbeing, growth, and career.

Wellbeing Jot: Attention is the beginning of devotion (Mary Oliver, poet, from Upstream)

Whatever we give our attention to, we also give permission to shape who we are. Mary Oliver warned us against looking without noticing; of being so distracted that we miss who we are really becoming. What we let into our mind is more than a passing distraction, it shapes who we are and is the person we become.

Ponder this:  What am I giving my attention to that truly helps me flourish? What do I need to let go to enable flourishing?

Not sure where to start on this? I’d love to help, let’s chat.

Growth Jot: Compare and Despair or Accept and Connect?

When we feel we are not good enough, it is easy to fall into compare and despair; seeing our efforts in contrast with other’s (superior) efforts and achievements. Using the sage powers of empathy and curiosity, we can take a step back and recognise the spiral of negative thoughts that often go from “I’m not good enough” to “I will never be good enough.” Doing some mindful breathing, getting curious and being empathetic with ourselves can help us move to accept and connect with our own unique strengths and talents.

As a PQ Mental Fitness Coach, I’d love to explore how you can more often choose to accept and connect with your own purpose and journey. Let’s chat.

Career Jot: Humility in Leadership and Life

How attractive is humility, and how off-putting is pride? Quiet self-assurance wins over loud self-promotion. Actively listening to what others are really saying, and asking what they need rather than jumping to advice-giving ,is a way to demonstrate humility in your leadership. Think of the humble and wise people in your life and seek to emulate and appreciate them today.

Listen first, then ask these questions the next time you find yourself wanting to jump into advice-giving;

  • What is the problem you are trying to solve?

  • What support do you need?

I’d love to help you grow and develop as a leader, let’s chat.

You are loved, valued and worthy. Keep up the great work!
— Jann Carroll

Jann’s Jottings #4


Jann’s Jottings #2