Jann’s Jottings #4
Jann’s Jottings # 4
“The most practical pages for perusal on the web”
Jotting (defn): short details of significant events, behaviours and conversations about wellbeing, growth, and career.
Wellbeing Jot: Wired and tired or peaceful and present?
Never ending to-do list, pride in your work ethic, striving to help others and prove yourself over and over again, and so completely exhausted you can never really rest… sound familiar?
Remind yourself that you are enough, you have enough and that your worth lies more in being present with others, in community and truly being with your family than in your productivity.
Try this: Lean back, hands on heart, close your eyes and say, “I am enough” (x5) then aim for peaceful presence at least a few times a day.
Does this sound like you? I’d love to help, let’s chat.
Growth Jot: How do we arrive at the choices we make?
When we deliberately pay attention to the sensations in our body, together with our intellectual reasoning, research shows that we make more conscious, wholistic choices about how we respond. Making wise choices and lasting change requires four things:
Clarity, care, choice and commitment (Blake, 2018, Your body is your brain).
Want to know more? Visit https://www.janncarrollcoaching.com.au/ for a discovery session.
Career Jot: What’s next?
“Whatever you are meant to do, do it now.
The conditions are always impossible” - Doris Lessing
Building personal qualities, such as courage, that support your vision or dream is enabled through self-reflection, coaching and clear communication. This is just as true in your personal life, as in your professional life.
Once you know where your heart is compelling you to be, you need the courage to take the first step and then continue stepping into your vision. Composure and companionship are travelling companions to handle the inevitable potholes or rough waves without giving up. You also need confidence and credibility to engage successfully with others and enlist support.
I’d love to help you discover what’s next and be one of your companions on your journey. Click here and let’s chat.
“You are loved, valued and worthy. Keep up the great work!”