Jann’s Jottings #2
Jann’s Jottings # 2
“The most practical pages for perusal on the web”
Jotting (defn): short details of significant events, behaviours and conversations about wellbeing, growth, and education/career.
Wellbeing Jot: Intentional intentions
New day/week/season and new intentions are available. Deep down we know what we need to do to improve our health/finances/relationships/work/garden/dog’s behaviour and it all starts with an intention. However, intentions need to be intentional and result in action.
Ponder this: What are you fed up with?
Start there, and set one intentional intention to move towards better wellbeing. Your future self will thank you for it.
Growth Jot: Perfectionism is the enemy of progress (Winston Churchill)
When trying hard to get everything just right, it often results in procrastination and paralyses potential. Perfect conditions will never arrive. There is always a reason to avoid/defer/skip.
Ponder this: What is important for you to start? What is stopping you?
I’d love to help with that… let’s chat.
Career Jot: Finding fulfillment.
Both dreams and discouragement are contagious. You are unique and shaped for a specific purpose. Fulfillment comes when we know we are doing the work that fulfills our passion, purpose and plan and uses our skills and talents to serve and help others. Yet, we can become easily discouraged by difficulties. Think about who you are hanging out with; are they your “dream champions” or “dream discouragers”?
Coaching helps you figure out the joy and purpose for the season you are in and brings dreams of the opportunities for future fulfillment into view.
Contact me for a free discovery session.
“You are loved, valued and worthy. Keep up your great work!”