Jann’s Jottings #7

Jann’s Jottings # 7

“The most practical pages for perusal on the web”

Jotting (defn): short details of significant events, behaviours and conversations about wellbeing, growth, and career.

Wellbeing Jot: The empty pursuit of more

Ever wondered that if you could just get that next new client, promotion, Lotto win, car, tech gadget, travel adventure or… then you will be happy, satisfied, proud, rich, validated, comfortable?  Always wanting more, never being satisfied is like an invisible cloak over our culture that silently covers our genuine desires, our true need for meaningful connection (not collection), hides the true desires of our hearts and leaves us falling short of our own values.

Our motives may be pure in that if we have more then we can give more or if we have more, we can help others more. However, when the pursuit of more cloaks our thinking and the craving drives us to the exclusion of all else, we can take precious relationships and our health for granted in the pursuit.   When we anchor ourselves in contentment, gratitude and deep, meaningful relationships and pursue purpose not possessions we find true fulfillment.

Ponder this: What areas in your life are you pursuing possessions instead of purpose, meaning and flourishing?

P.S. The more we are grateful for the more we find to be grateful for.

Growth Jot: No Change without Challenge (Fred DeVito)

This is what I tell myself when it is cold and dark in the morning and my gym buddies are expecting me. I know I will feel great after a challenging workout as well as achieving my health and fitness goals. In any area of our lives, when we identify a change we want/need to make, our brains are wired to prefer the comfort of the status quo. For positive change and growth to occur, challenge needs to accompany us. Changing routines, taking on new roles (new job, new healthy eating plan, new activity, new friends, new savings plan) feels risky, clumsy, and overwhelming at times and our saboteur voices will be having a field day!  However, to expand what is possible in our lives we need to face our self-doubt, awkwardness, and fear. The gift and opportunity in each challenge we overcome develops our self-confidence, resilience, skills, achievement, and personal growth.

Ponder this: How can you re-frame the challenges you face as opportunities?  Who is in your cheer squad?

I would love to accompany you on your journey.

P.S. ‘Soon’ is not a time – jus’ saying😊

Career Jot: Showing up

How do you show up for meetings? Or said another way: What attitude do you take into meetings with you?

Barely there “I have to be here so let’s just get this over with.”

Somewhat present: “Let’s hope there’s something in this meeting that is worth my time. I’ll contribute as long as I can see the benefit for me.”

Fully present: “I am really ready to take responsibility for my part, share my experiences, insights and contribute with positive intent towards others.”

To figure out how you are showing up, take a few seconds to check in with your own attitude as you settle into the meeting – be honest. We can choose how we are going to show up.

You can do this with your team too. Do a check in either as self-reflection or as a team at the conclusion of your meeting with these questions:

  1. Experience: What did I experience or learn during the meeting today?

  2. Intention: What is my intention and wish for the next meeting?

  3. Responsibility: What responsibility am I willing to take on behalf of the team to achieve these intentions? (Ref: Rod & Fridjhon, 2020, Creating Intelligent Teams: Leading with Relationship Systems Intelligence.)

Showing up fully present enables all team members to foster a more productive meeting with clear direction and results – isn’t that a joy?

P.S. Team workshops available.  Let’s chat.

You are loved, valued and worthy. Keep up the great work!
— Jann Carroll

Jann’s Jottings #8


Jann’s Jottings #6