Jann’s Jottings #6

Jann’s Jottings # 6

“The most practical pages for perusal on the web”

Jotting (defn): short details of significant events, behaviours and conversations about wellbeing, growth, and career.

Welcome to 2024 and all the opportunities it brings!

Wellbeing Jot

The pessimist criticises; the optimist creates
— James Clear

With optimism comes hope, seeing possibilities, expansiveness and creativity.  Looking after our wellbeing is an optimistic and useful intention, like making sure our battery is charged or our cup is full so that we can give to and be with others. Research suggests that we feel better, think better and act better when we take a moment, breathe, seek and apply an optimistic solution or attitude, not only to work situations but ourselves too. It does not mean saying yes to everything, but by giving the other, and ourselves, the benefit of the doubt, assuming positive intent, applying the Golden Rule and seeking to apply a sage, rather than judgmental mindset, we can create solutions more collaboratively and positively.

Ponder this: What do you need to remind yourself to consistently create an optimistic viewpoint on your own wellbeing this year?

Growth Jot: Resentment to Repair to Restoration

Challenging or critical conversations need to happen to restore relationships, but they are hard. None more so than with our significant others or team members. Resentment is defined as a “feeling of frustration, judgement, anger ‘better than’ and/or hidden envy related to perceived unfairness or injustice. We feel resentment when we fail to set boundaries or ask for what we need, make assumptions, have unspoken expectations over things we cannot control like what others think, feel, say and do” (Brene Brown).  Resentment leaves us feeling tense, agitated, judgemental and negative not only with others but of ourselves. Yikes!

Moving to repair requires self-compassion, acceptance of other, assuming positive intent and perhaps a move away from perfectionism which fuels the fires of resentment.

Moving to repair and restore the precious connection through clear, kind, direct conversation as soon after a disagreement as possible, frees us to return to a positive, open, peaceful and optimistic mindset which is life-giving.

Ponder this: When resentment arises, how can I be curious instead?

Career Jot: The Gift of Choosing

As we change out of holiday gear into work gear I am reminded of Harvard Business School Professor, Rosabeth M. Kanter, who observed, “The individuals who will succeed and flourish will also be masters of change, adept at re-orienting their own and others’ activities in untried directions to bring about higher levels of achievement” (The Change Masters).

Continuing our theme of creative optimism, creativity fosters adaptability, an essential component of teamwork. If we are willing to change and adapt to serve our team, we will always have a chance to learn, grow, flourish and win.

So, let’s begin and continue the year with creative optimism for our own wellbeing, our relationships and our work.

You are a caring professional with the skills, drive and creativity to achieve your goals. Successful leaders all have a coach of some sort; not as an extravagance, but a necessity.  I would love to partner with you and your team as we journey through 2024. Reach out here

You are loved, valued and worthy. Keep up the great work!
— Jann Carroll

Jann’s Jottings #7


Jann’s Jottings #5