Jann’s Jottings #9
Jann’s Jottings # 9
“The most practical pages for perusal on the web”
Jotting (defn): short details of significant events, behaviours and conversations about wellbeing, growth, and career.
Wellbeing Jot: Play on Purpose
How long is it since you just enjoyed playing? I noticed that I had not allocated any time in my schedule to enjoy agenda-free play. Play to me includes physical movement, preferably with a ball of any shape, that fulfills my values of learning, connection, challenge and fun. I love a good play as it puts me into a state of flow, out of my head and into a challenge. So, this year I resolved to take up golf again and find out about one of the fastest growing new sports - Pickleball (yes of Brene Brown fame)!
What I noticed is that with golf, where I have a basic level of expertise, I find not nearly as much satisfaction on the playful scale, although still enjoyable and challenging in equal measure, as Pickleball. So, I wondered what is about Pickleball that I find so playfully satisfying? Perhaps it is that the expectations I have of myself are simply to be, to play, to connect (with the ball and others) and have fun. From a wellbeing perspective, studies suggest play eases stress, boosts creativity, fuels excitement and energy, brings humour and connection. If you are interested in knowing your play personality from the National Institute for Play, then follow this link Play Personalities by Dr Stuart Brown.
Ponder this: What fun and play are putting into your week to boost your wellbeing?
Growth Jot: Satisfaction begins when comparison stops
How easy it is to be lured into comparison when we scroll through Insta or FB? How easy it is to let envy creep in when we see others who seemingly have more/better opportunities than we currently see in our own lives? Comparison and its bff FOMO, based on negative emotions, rarely brings joy. However, comparison can be motivating. It can be inspirational. It can challenge us to improve/seek/test/try something new for ourselves.
For example, comparison can spur us into looking after ourselves better, going on a long wished for adventure or tackling that scary but persistent dream.
Out of a positive desire to challenge ourselves and grow, comparison can be used to harness forwarding action to achieve satisfaction in following our own path and being proud of our own accomplishments.
Ponder this: What is the single best thing you can do or stop doing to bring more satisfaction and less negative comparison?
Career Jot: Delegation Challenge
As we come to the end of a very busy term, the topic of delegation has been raised by many of my coaching clients who hold significant leadership positions. Delegation refers to the transfer of responsibility for specific tasks from one person to another. It is a key leadership skill. The benefits include freeing up time to focus on higher-value activities whilst also developing the skills of your team. Much has been written on this topic however I’d like to challenge you to put just one strategy into place to develop your delegation muscle.
Your Challenge:
The 70% rule: If someone can do a task at least 70% as well as you, delegate it.
By delegating all tasks of lower value than your own and limited time is worth, you will be freed up to focus on the higher value vision and tasks that will impact more substantially. I can hear howls of protest already… what if they don’t do it as well as I will; mess it up; don’t do it on time; they aren’t up to it?
What if your own beliefs about your team are the barriers… they are too busy; I am the only one who will do it properly; I enjoy that work; I will be perceived as lazy or not coping if I delegate; it is quicker to do it myself; they can’t work to my timeline; they don’t know my vision and may derail all my hard work.
Use the Delegation Wheel
Delegation Wheel created by Chris Donnelly
Your team may surprise you when you give them the chance. You will be freed up to do the big picture thinking and see the joy of developing those in your team and enjoy the fruit of your collective efforts.
Through coaching we can unearth those limiting beliefs about delegation. Connect here.
Read more here: Thoughtful Leader: Why leaders don’t delegate and how to do it more
Harvard Business School: How to delegate effectively: 9 tips for managers
“You are loved, valued and worthy. Keep up the great work!”